The Pitch Is Back: How To Pitch Magazines, Publications, And Papers (Even If You Have No Experience)
Want to write for magazines, publications, and papers but don’t know where to start? You gotta pitch!
Did you know that anybody can pitch an article idea? Anybody! Five of my students got pitches picked up this past month with no previous samples. Another student (before she worked with me) pitched the New York Times on a whim and got published! How did this magic happen? Through pitching!
In this 90-minute workshop, you’ll find out:
What even is a pitch
How to craft a pitch for a story or essay
What to do if you don’t have samples
Where to pitch
How to find editor contact information
How to follow up without being annoying
“I truly can’t believe that I’m going to get money to write. I cannot thank you enough. I feel so excited. I’m so grateful.”
I’m Amber and I’ve been a freelance writer and copywriter for 5 years.
You’ve seen me in Thrillist, Bustle, Greatist, Parade, MTV, IFC, and even Snooki’s blog (jealous?). Before then, I was an actor. Trust me, singing songs Off-Broadway gave me zero qualifications to become a writer.
And I don’t write about incredible, life changing stories. I write about Rocky IV and canned wine. About gut health’s connection to depression and the best Amazon finds under $1. I got paid to write about Eurovision for MTV! All of this came from simple, cold pitches.
When you know how to succinctly pitch an idea, you can start making money from your writing. You don’t need a backlog of work or a million clips. Just a single idea that makes an editor say “yes.”
In my one and two-month programs, students are getting work right away.
Vincent sold a pitch to Business Insider after one class.
Jocelyne sold a pitch to Thrillist in a month and a day.
Jamie wrote about air fryers for Apartment Therapy.
Robyn got paid to write about candy for Buzzfeed with her first pitch.
Aimee sold her first pitch for $500!
In my last class, every student that pitched got a paid assignment. A 100% success rate!
I can’t promise a 100% success rate with this workshop. If I could, it would be $1000. But it shows that pitching works, no matter your previous experience.
To help more people start pitching with confidence, I took all the fun pitch bits from my 4 and 8-week classes and put it all in this workshop.
In one day you can go from “who wants my ideas?” in an Eeyore voice to “who wants my ideas!” in an excited Oprah voice.
Okay, I guess you have to say that one out loud to get it, but the point is you’ll go from zero to 60 in one class.
In fact, you’ll write a pitch during the workshop.
Also in fact, at least three people will get live pitch feedback during the workshop.
Yep, you can send a pitch in advance and if you’re one of the first three, I’ll give feedback live so your pitch is ready to go the second class is over. And I’m not a “here’s why everything you did is wrong” type person. The feedback will be direct and helpful, but not rude or tearing you down in any way.
Oh, and I’ve got more glorious stuff to add!
In addition to the workshop, you’ll also get:
- How to Pitch pdf to reference any time
- Fill-in-the-blanks pitch template
- A Pitching Guide with 10 pages of real pitches that sold
Pitching goes beyond just magazines and websites. When you know how to sell an idea, it helps in every corner of your life.
It makes cover letters better.
It makes agent inquiries better.
It even makes TV pitches better!
No, I won’t be teaching you how to pitch a TV, but the same basics apply to ideas across industries.
To summarize, this 90-minute workshop includes:
Everything you need to know about pitching magazines, publications, and papers
Live pitch feedback
Q&A for all of your personal questions
You’ll have a first draft pitch by the end of the class
All delivered on Zoom on:
Thursday November 19th at 5:30PM PST
Saturday November 21st at 11:00AM PST
(they’re the same, you don’t need to take both)
My students have made between $150-$500 from their pitches with no previous experience.
Instead of investing in another class to hone your craft and delay your ability to make money, invest in 90-minutes to learn a vital skill that directly leads to cash.
Will you get rich from this workshop? No. If you did, this class would be $1 million.
Luckily, the workshop is not $1 million.
It’s only $147 for a skill that’s necessary for any writer.
That could get you a “yes” in less than a month.
Give you confidence in your ideas.
So you can…
Get paid to be a writer.